Inductotherm Heating and Welding are extremely proud and pleased to announce the first new Thermatool CFI 200kw Solid State Welder to be sold into the country of Moldova. With thousands of Thermatool products installed globally this was the first time a Thermatool CFI Welder had been purchased by this relatively small, developing country.
Bas Steel Profil provide their customers with high quality tube solutions with notoriously fast deliveries and excellent quality service.
Bas Steel Profil recognised the need to upgrade their welding technology to ensure a more energy efficient product process in line with the continuous modernisation of their manufacturing facility. Having experienced numerous issues with their current welder, Bas Steel Profil’s main requirements of the new welders was to ensure efficient use of energy, reliability, repeatability and most importantly a supplier that can deliver a comprehensive after sales service package.
Using a Thermatool CFi Welder results in the most energy efficient process of welding tube and the equipment provides reassurance and confidence to the customer due to its enviable and robust track record in the field. Continuously field tested by world leading tube producers, the Thermatool Welders are renowned to be the most reliable High Frequency welding solutions in the industry.
“We are delighted to partner with Bas Steel Profil to assist in the upgrading of their equipment. Their astute decision to partner with Inductotherm Heating & Welding with Thermatool equipment ensures that they will receive a highly professional sales experience and extensive aftermarket support in servicing and spares for the life of the equipment.
Every welder sold, is backed with a world leading weld process and materials knowledge, providing each customer with the best approach to meeting challenging, every day application needs.” Says Chris Tombs – Thermatool Sales Manager at Inductotherm Heating & Welding.
Thermatool’s reputation is partly based on the fact that they are the only company to produce equipment designed specifically for the tube and pipe market. Whilst other companies use induction to heat and weld it is only Thermatool that have specifically designed their equipment for the tube and pipe industry. Customers understandably feel reassured by the decades of focused process knowledge that is harnessed within the equipment and rightly trust the proven performance and testimonials from other leading tube and pipe manufactures who have also partnered with Thermatool.
Also, with the widest range of High Frequency (HF) welders on the market today, Thermatool can ensure customers not only have the right equipment for the job but that they benefit from the decades of knowledge in all aspects of tube and pipe manufacturing.
For more information on our Thermatool High Frequency welders click here