With today’s rapidly changing world of business, long service records are becoming a rarity.
So, it was a great pleasure that Inductotherm Heating & Welding recently awarded a long service award to Michael Wells for 45 years of continued service.
Straight out of school Michael started work as the first ever trainee apprentice to be taken on by the then separate company of Radyne which at the time was based in Wokingham, on the 12th August 1974. Michael was just 16 years old when he started his training on small RF welders that were used to seal plastic. Over the following 45 years Michael worked his way up, grew his knowledge and expertise by working on larger and larger projects including melting furnaces and billet heaters.
During his 45 years of service Michael has witnessed a great many changes within the company. The largest change was in 2007 when Radyne amalgamated with two other brand giants Thermatool and Banyard to create Inductotherm Heating & Welding now based in Basingstoke in Hampshire. The change in location proved to be a challenge at first for someone without a driving licence but after a year of car sharing Micky needed his independence and was spurred on to take his driving test, which he passed first time and has since never looked back.
“During the amalgamation of the companies it was hard to see our old factory being cleared out, equipment being moved and saying good bye to colleagues. Personally, I didn’t want to move from my home, which used to be just around the corner from the Radyne factory, but I loved the job, so I had to find a way to manage the commute. Having retained my job I felt like a valued member of the team and I wasn’t prepared to give that up, so I just worked through the changes.
I have made good friendships in Radyne and Inductotherm Heating & Welding and the family ethos in the company is what makes it a great company to work for. We have grown up together and have stuck together as a team of people and both team mates and management have shown me personally a lot of support and understanding in recent years.
I am still very happy in my role and I now take great satisfaction seeing others grow within the company.”
Micky is now student turned teacher and is responsible for imparting his vast knowledge to the next generation of IHW apprentices. It seems quite fitting for Micky to have gone full circle in his career.
“Our values and principles are strengthened by individuals like Michael Wells. The loyalty and dedication he has shown to us (Radyne & Inductotherm) and the hard work and endeavours that he continues to provide recognises him as a person of character and strength, that we hope is an example to others in our team.
Michael, the service award symbolizes the time you’ve given to help us, as we pursue those values and principles which make the company successful. It is also a token of appreciation for the part you’ve played in making the company what it is today. Your talents and efforts have already helped us achieve excellence in many areas. As you celebrate your 45 years, service anniversary, please accept my personal thanks.” Wayne Hine – Managing Director Inductotherm Heating & Welding.